GayDesertGuide.LGBT and KGAY 106.5/92.1 Palm Springs are resources for your company to reach LGBTQ consumers through digital, mobile, print, audio, video, OTT/Connected TVs and social media channels. We have a comprehensive approach:
- Reaching LGBTQ consumers planning their vacation, planning their weekend or looking for LGBTQ-friendly businesses, attractions, events and activities.
- You benefit with top search position on specific sections on GayDesertGuide.LGBT and with over 1,000,000 Google searches and over 500k pageviews per year!
- Event marketing, KGAY live broadcasts, promotions with our Fun & Games Department and our Hot Deals (Gay Groupon) program
- Content marketing & blogs amplified through social media
- Targeted email marketing to our Oasis Insiders email club (7,500+)
- We promote ourselves on LGBTQ-specific websites to drive consumers to the site
- Organizational partnerships with DBA, chambers of commerce, DGTG, The Center and others show our support in the community.
- Event sponsor partnership extends our brand to locals and visitors with recognition and access at events from Modernism to White Party; IBC to the Dinah and of course, Pride!
- We distribute a Visitor Map & Guide to gay resorts, hotels, visitors’ centers, and local businesses to drive traffic to the site and to our advertisers
We also have a general market radio station, KMEE 103.1 MeTV FM, and our digital marketing agency, OMGPSP.

Brad Fuhr
KGAY/Gay Desert Guide CEO
(760) 340-6880 x700
Email: Brad@KGAYPalmSprings.com
See Our Media Kits for KGAY Palm Springs and Gay Desert Guide HERE: