Plan your Vote, Check your Registration

We have an election on November 3, 2020 that is very important to all of us. Many people will cast their vote by mail-in ballot. It will be best if you mail your ballot in very early to make sure there are no issues with your vote being counted. There will be polling locations also and some will offer early voting.

You can check on for everything that you need to know for your state concerning your registration to vote and how and when to vote.

Vote Nov 3 2020

You can also check your registration at does the work that the government and the political parties should do to increase voter turnout, and we do it on pennies for the dollar. If you want to donate you can do so at

Partisan groups spend $50 per potential voter marketing candidates. spends $3 per potential voter marketing democracy.

This is a cost effective and proven way to increase voter turnout.

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